156.65 Acres. First, this land offers the best building site at the best location you can find anywhere. A few short miles from Goessel, Newton, Hesston, McPherson or Wichita this site is one of a kind. Located on 150th (blacktop road) just 1 1/2 miles East of Hwy. 15, the property has great access on hard surface roads. Once you turn on the property through the pipe frame entrance you will follow a scenic driveway lined with growing oak trees, up the hill towards the old farmstead site. At the crown of the hill you will find remnants of the old farm which include an old upright silo, wood frame barn/storage shed, mature trees, and a windmill over the old well. Also located here is a set of very good, modern cattle/horse pens made of pipe and metal continuous fencing that provides a great place to keep or gather livestock and/or horses. This is a perfect location to build a new home or establish a headquarters for a livestock operation. Electrical service is at the road and the Marion County Rural Water District #4 has a water line running on the South side of 150th.
CROPLAND: Approximately 40 acres cultivated cropland currently sown to wheat for harvest in 2023.
CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) grassland: Approximately 55 acres CRP grassland sown to native grass.
Approximately 5 acres is comprised of the old farmstead yard, barn, silo tress and cattle/horse pens.
Native grass hay meadow and HUNTING ACREAGE: Approximately 56.65 acres is Native Grass hay meadow that is divided into a couple fields. This acreage is hayed each year. The hay meadow at the back, North end of the farm has a nice draw with trees. This hidden acreage is a great deer hunting spot. Here the deer hide in the brush and various trees. Among them is one of the larger Cottonwood trees in the area. In the very SE corner of this farm is another draw with trees. This draw has water as of today ( 10-23-2022) which is outstanding considering the drought we have had this year. Also located in the very SE corner of this land by the road IS maybe the largest Cottonwood tree you will ever see.
ALL in ALL this farm HAS IT ALL. This is one of the finer farms and locations I have listed for sale in some time. Call me now!! Lyle Leppke 620-382-5204
LIST PRICE: $3,000.00/ acre or $469.950.00