Thursday January 12, 2023 – 6:00 P.M.
Sale held at the Peabody Senior Center, 106 N. Walnut, Peabody, KS 66866
144.23 acres Marion County Cropland and Grassland
Property Description: 144.23 total taxable acres. 92.71 acres is cultivated cropland in several fields with the majority of the cropland being contiguous at the east part of the farm. The cropland was in corn this last year and is now sown to wheat. The buyer will receive the landlords 1/3 share of the 2023 wheat harvest. 1.94 acres is waterway. The balance of 49.58 acres is native grassland along a spring fed draw. The grassland is fenced for livestock and the spring runs continuous, even through very dry conditions like we had this year. The draw is lined with various kinds of trees and the nearby hedgerows provide shelter and habit for both livestock and game. Deer will be seen every time you go on this farm. The land is signed into the nearby windfarm lease. There will be no tower on this land however, it does receive an annual lease payment.
This is a good and diverse farm where the combination of cropland and grassland acreage allows for multiple use of the land in various seasons. It’s a terrific place to winter livestock having shelter and running water along a county gravel road for everyday access. If you want to enhance the land for hunting this land offers all the essentials for a wildlife haven at a location you can easily access.
Legal Description: Northwest quarter of Section 11, Township 21 South, Range 3 East (NW/4 11-21-3) Marion County KS. less a tract w/ the improvements in the SW corner.
Land Location: From Peabody, 1 mile East on Hwy 50, then 5 miles North on Pawnee rd. OR from Aulne, 2 miles South on Pawnee.
Taxes: $1,098.48 2022 taxes will be paid by the seller.
Possession: At closing and upon full settlement subject to the right of the present tenant to harvest the 2023 wheat. The buyer will receive the landlords 1/3 share of the wheat.
TERMS: $35,000.00 earnest money day of sale payable to Security First Title Company. The balance will be due in full at closing which shall be on or before February 13, 2023. Title insurance and closing fees will be divided equally between buyer and seller. All financing arrangements and /or inspections must be made prior to the auction. The property is being sold in an “AS-IS” condition and is not subject to financing or appraisal. All information is gathered from Marion County sources and is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Statements made day of sale take precedence over any advertisements, printed material or previous statements. Leppke, Inc. is the agent of the Seller.
Seller: Melvin and Marilyn Flaming